Group Project: Milestone 1

You worked in teams during the Zoom breakout rooms to learn from each other. Now, we will challenge you to design, analyze, and report findings from a sustainable approach to electronic waste disposal/reuse you propose. Reminder: Tomorrow you may come to Jordan Hall 6117 for an in-person synchronous session (masks required). We will also stream using Zoom for those who are not equipped or comfortable coming in person this week.

Review the guidelines before tomorrow’s synchronous session this week: BIT 295 Team Project Design(opens in new window).

The objectives of this assignment are:

  • CO 6. Evaluate the reliability of the information you have identified.
  • CO 7. Collaborate effectively with classmates to review and revise assignments.
  • CO 8. Communicate research findings with the public & scholars.
  • CO 9. Design an experiment to test a hypothesis you developed.


The assignment is divided into the components below. Your team will need to complete each element before continuing on with subsequent steps. Note that the peer review session has a deadline in order to keep groups moving forward.

  1. Compile a list of references about microbes and e-waste recycling.
    1. Due Tuesday, February 15th by 5 pm. 
  2. Prepare an outline and diagram of the approach. Due 2/25 by 5 pm.
  3. Revise the approach in the preliminary draft. Due by 3/11 by 5 pm.
  4. Peer review of proposals. Due by 3/25 by 5 pm.
  5. Final submission. Due by 4/13 by 5 pm.


To achieve these objectives, you will work with your team to learn about microbes that could be useful and then analyze the sequence of a microbe that could be useful.


Milestone 1

Your first task is to use PowerNotes to compile a list of references and information about microbes used to sustainably recycle electronic waste. Find evidence in favor and against their use. Consider multiple disciplines, perspectives, and levels of feasibility at this point. By 2/15, each group will share a list of references created using PowerNotes and a brief (1-3 sentence) on why you selected each resource. Your milestone needs at least 15 different resources. Spoiler alert: You will work with your group in-class next week (on 2/17) to draft an outline and work towards completing Milestone 2!


team icon
Team icon. Colorful illustration of three hands with different skin tones meeting in the middle.

Team icon from in new window)


Your BIT Instructional Team,

Dr. Carlos Goller | email:

Dr. Carly Sjogren | email: