Completing Module 2

Completing Module 2

This week we continue to work through Module 2 Principles of Sustainability. 

We want to clarify a common misconception about our frequent use of case study assignments in our course. Case studies are a type of assignment that engages us with real-world examples to think critically about a new concept. Ethical Reasoning Case Studies are a Semester-Long Project where you will complete 5 of 10 scenarios by the semester’s end. You will complete 1 Ethical Reasoning Case Study response in Modules 2-6 (five total). In contrast, the Electronic Graveyard case study is included in our Instructional Materials in Modules 1-3. Both are case studies, but the Electronic Graveyard assignment was not an Ethical Reasoning Case Study. We hope this helps define the different types of case studies in our course as well as their purpose!

This week 1/30-2/3

  • Come to our synchronous Zoom Lab Session on Tuesday 1/31.

  • Come to our synchronous Zoom Active Learning Session on Thursday 2/2.

  • Complete all Module 2 Instructional Materials, Learning Activities and Assessments, and Semester-Long Project goals listed on Moodle for Module 2:

    • Complete all 3 readings with Power Notes annotations from Book 2

    • Complete Power Notes Book

    • Submit Scaffolded Notes 2

    • Quiz 2

    • Forum 2

    • How We Argue Lessons 2-3

    • 1 Ethical reasoning case study on a topic of your choosing

  • Reach out to both instructors by email with any health or personal concerns that will prevent you from reaching our Module 2 expectations. We are here to support you!

Looking forward to continuing our stimulating Module learning about Principles of Sustainability!

Dr. Goller bitmoji reading
Dr. Sjogren working from home with her cat Sweet T as a coworker (Pico not pictured but also a collaborator)
Dr. Sjogren working from home with her cat Sweet T as a coworker (Pico not pictured but also a collaborator)
Bitmoji of Emory reading books with "HITTIN' THE BOOKS" written below
Bitmoji of Emory reading books with “HITTIN’ THE BOOKS” written below

Your BIT Instructional Team,

Dr. Carlos Goller | email:

Dr. Carly Sjogren | email:

Emory New | email:


In an effort to support your interests in starting undergraduate research, check out the BIT Program’s Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, BIT SURE!  We encourage you ALL to apply for this incredible PAID summer research internship! Applications are due February 3rd (that’s this Friday)!

Dr. Goller bitmoji with "Hi Team!" conversation bubble
Dr. Goller bitmoji with “Hi Team!” conversation bubble
Bitmoji of Dr. Sjogren doing lab work at a bench with flasks and beakers
Bitmoji of Dr. Sjogren doing lab work at a bench with flasks and beakers
Bitmoji of Emory with dollar sign eyes with “CHA-CHING!” written below