Updates for BIT 295 Week 1: Module 0 Start Here!

Hello students!

Welcome to the first week of BIT 295! Our first meeting will be on Zoom for Thursdays scheduled synchronous lab session. We want to share that there will not be any in-person meetings this week. To protect the safety of our learning community, we will be meeting remotely for at least the first two weeks. We are optimistic that we can offer collaborative in-person lab experiences as the semester progresses!

This week you will complete Module 0 Start Here! which is designed to help you become familiar with the course expectations and your classmates, as well as give you an opportunity to practice using Moodle, the Learning Management System (LMS) we will use for our course.

All of our Lectures are asynchronous (meaning there is no required meeting during this scheduled Lecture time on Tuesdays from 10:15-11:30 am). Your instructors will be available on Zoom during the scheduled Lecture time to answer any questions or to chat with us about your academic/career goals. We will often refer to this time as open student hour chats! You may also request a student hour chat with us by email request.

As you familiarize yourself with our course Moodle site you will complete the tasks listed under the Instructional Materials in each module as your asynchronous lecture content. This material must be completed before the synchronous lab sections on Thursdays by 10 am. We will meet synchronously on our course Zoom link on Thursday, January 13 from 10:15-11:30 am (ET). Tasks listed under the Learning Activities & Assessments within each module are due on Fridays by 5 pm.

We are looking forward to meeting you on Zoom on Thursday! In the meanwhile, we hope you enjoy learning about sustainable biotechnology asynchronously at your own pace!

Dr. G bitmoji of him running to the left over the words "Let's go".Bitmoji of Dr.S working from home at a table with a laptop


Your BIT Instructional Team

Dr. Carlos Goller | email: ccgoller@ncsu.edu

Dr. Carly Sjogren | email: casjogre@ncsu.edu

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