Beginning Module 7! Demystifying ‘Big Data’ and High Throughput Approaches

This week we begin Module 7 and we will learn about Demystifying ‘Big Data’ and High Throughput Approaches and apply it to our Team Project Design Challenge! 

Our Module 7 Expectations are:

Week 1:

  • Complete Book 7 with the accompanying Scaffolded Notes 7 by Thursday at 10 am.
  • Your instructors will be returning your peer review feedback. Use the feedback you receive to improve your Public Science Project and your Team Project Design Challenge.
  • Complete an Ethical Reasoning Case Study if you have not yet completed our semester goal of 5 submissions.


Week 2:

  • Complete the repetitive course assignments:
    • Quiz 7
    • Forum 7
    • Reflection 7
  • Your Final Public Science Communication Project is due on 4/21 by 5pm!
  • Complete an Ethical Reasoning Case Study  if you have not yet completed our semester goal of 5 submissions.
Dr. S bitmoji (decorative)
Bitmoji of Dr.S shouting her excitement about Big Data!


Dr. G bitmoji waving hi from laptop (decorative)
Dr. G bitmoji waving hi from laptop

Your BIT Instructional Team,

Dr. Carlos Goller | email: 

Dr. Carly Sjogren | email: