Module 2 week 2

This week we continue to work through Module 2 Principles of Sustainability. Last week you submitted milestones for your public science and group 

renewable-energy (decorative)
Decorative image of the Earth plugged into a plant and lightening.

Image created by Eucalyp from

This week…

  • Come to our synchronous Zoom sessions on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Complete all Module 2 Instructional Materials, Learning Activities and Assessments, listed on Moodle for Module 2 due by 5 PM on Friday 9/16:
    • Complete the readings listed in Book 2 and use PowerNotes to collaboratively annotate with our learning community
    • Forum 2
    • Quiz 2
    • How We Argue Lessons 2-3
    • 1 Ethical reasoning case study on a topic of your choosing
    • Reflection 2
  • Reach out to both instructors by email if you have any personal questions. You can also use our Grace Period Request Form if you need additional time to meet Module 2 expectations! Keep contributing to the Student Help Forum on Moodle as well! We are here to support you!t with any health or personal concerns that will prevent you from reaching our Module 2 expectations. We are here to support you!


Looking forward to continuing learning about Principles of Sustainability from your stimulating contributions to our learning community! 


Your BIT Instructional Team,

Dr. Carlos Goller | email: 

Dr. Carly Sjogren | email: