All grades are posted!

Thank you for being part of our learning community! We appreciate your commitment to learning about sustainability and the impacts of electronic waste disposal practices we currently have. You all brought your experience, ideas, and energy. We enjoyed how you worked in groups, shared ideas in forums, and provided respectful feedback. Dr. Sjogren and I appreciate your time and hope that beyond the course grade, you have learned approaches (molecular biology, reading critically, ethical reasoning) that will help you on your career paths. 


Please review the gradebook carefully. We will submit grades by 3 PM. Also, we will still provide feedback on your E-CURE reflections this and next week. 


Be well and stay safe!

Bitmoji of Dr. Sjogren who is "SO PROUD OF YOU"
Bitmoji of Dr. Sjogren who is “SO PROUD OF YOU”
Bitmoji of Dr. Goller who "CONGRATULATS" you!
Bitmoji of Dr. Goller who “CONGRATULATS” you!

Your BIT Instructional Team,

Dr. Carlos Goller | email: 

Dr. Carly Sjogren | email: