Wrapping up the Semester!

Hi BIT 295 Students,

Thank you for participating in our class and learning about biotechnology & sustainability!  We hope you have enjoyed your time with us.

Here are your remaining tasks for the semester-

By tomorrow, Friday 4/19, at 5 pm

  • Contribute to Forum 8: share your thoughts and experiences! Please don’t forget to reply to your peers to complete the assignment
  • Complete Quiz 8
  • Final Submission of Individual Public Science Project
  • Final Submission of Team Project Design Challenge. Please complete the Self and Peer Evaluation form
  • Finish How We Argue

Come to Zoom on Tuesday, 4/23, at 10:15 to share your public science projects with us and your peers. You can either present virtually, or play your audio-visual component you recorded.  Be prepared to share your screen.

As always, let us know if you have any questions!


Your BIT Instructional Team: Dr. Haggerty, Dr. Goller, Pricilla, and Micaela