Nov 29, 2022
We are really excited to learn about your research and team design projects! Your Team Project is due on Monday, December 5th, by 5 PM. Please continue to review the Team Project Guidelines as you finish your work. We added more detail about the expectations for the text and KBase Narratives. Please review the guidelines carefully and the…
Nov 28, 2022
This week we begin Module 8 and we will share and learn about how we can Communicate Science to the Public. This week in class on Thursday, December 1st everyone will give a 3-5 minute presentation of your Science Communication Projects! Please sign up for your preferred presentation order on our Sign Up Sheet. We…
Nov 7, 2022
Module 6 Week 2 Hello!We continue Module 6 this week as we will learn about Experimental Design and apply it to our Team Project Design Challenge! Our adjusted expectations for Module 6 are: Due Monday, November 7 by 5 PM Book 6 Scaffolded Notes Due Friday, November 11 by 5 PM Quiz 6 Forum 6…
Mar 11, 2022
Hey everybody! Here are a few observations and reminders that Dr. S and Dr. G want to share as we take a week off to invest in our self-care: We have all been overstretched in our workloads. If you did not submit a previous assignment, you are encouraged to turn it in late. Please email…