Dec 15, 2023
Thank you for being part of our learning community! We appreciate your commitment to learning about sustainability and the impacts of electronic waste disposal practices we currently have. You all brought your experience, ideas, and energy. We enjoyed how you worked in groups, shared ideas in forums, and provided respectful feedback. Dr. Huggins, Pricilla, and…
Dec 4, 2023
We appreciate your hard work individually and in teams this semester. You learned about sustainability, genomics, and ethical reasoning. You generated creative public science projects and performed complex KBase analyses. Tomorrow, we will have donuts and a chance to celebrate all you have done. We will provide time for you to complete optional surveys and contribute…
Dec 1, 2023
We are finishing the semester, and projects are coming along! A few reminders are shared below: Read the guidelines for the individual and group project carefully before submitting work you are proud of! Rubrics we will use to provide feedback are available on the submission sites on Moodle. Your BIT Instructional Team
Oct 27, 2023
Happy Friday, BIT 295 Scholars, In Module 6, we are learning about Demystifying ‘Big Data’ and High Throughput Approaches and applying it to our Team Project Design Challenge! We are learning so much about high throughput sequencing approaches and how they can generate large data sets. Learning from “Big Data” can be an incredible exploration…
Sep 5, 2023
Hi BIT 295 Students! I just wanted to say you all did a great job today in lab! Its a short lab so its nice to see everyone get through the protocol. I know, for some of you, the hands on stuff is new and you may sometimes feel out of your depth, but thats…